Course curriculum

  • 1

    Design Your Dream Life, Permission to Do More & Being All In

    • Video: Welcome!

    • Assignment. Dream

    • Introduction to Permission

    • Assignment. Permission: Instructions & Reflection

    • Assignment. Getting All In On Life

    • Audio. Getting All In On Life

    • Video: Summary of Week 1

  • 2

    Transforming Your Dreams Into Goals, Your Goals into Reality & Conquering the Impossible Through Small Steps Taken Daily

    • Assignment. Use Your Dreams To Transform Your Reality

    • Introduction to Power 3

    • Assignment. Transform Your Reality: Goal Setting & Your Power 3

    • Audio. Your Power 3: How To Make the Impossible Possible

    • Reflection Power 3

    • Assignment. Atomic Habits

    • Assignment. High Performance Habits

    • Audio: High Performance Habits

    • Video: My Takeaways

    • Assignment. Dreams: Tracking Your Progress

    • Create a Journal: How to track your daily wins & I statements

  • 3

    Tricks to Free Up More Time & Center Your Priorities & To Do List

    • Video Intro to Unit

    • Tricks to Free Up More Time

    • Assignment. Empowered Mama Book: Make More Time

    • Assignment: Bring it Back to Dream #1

  • 4

    Money Blocks, Change Your Money Mindset & Start Living Your Rich Life Now

    • Introduction to Building Wealth & Money Blocks

    • Assignment. Building Wealth: Money Mindset & Blocks Reflection

    • Ms. Rigley's Money Block

    • Assignment. Money Blocks Article & Reflection

    • Assignment. Money Blocks & Your Dreams

    • Assignment. Feel Good About Your Money Now

    • Assignment. Take Action

    • Assignment. Living Your Rich Life Now

    • Assignment. Upgrade Your Life Now

    • Congratulations!