Course curriculum

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    • Welcome!!!

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    Defining Financial Freedom

    • Financially Empowered Action: Define Your Destination

    • Knowledge is Power: Defining Financial Freedom & why Millionaire is a MUST

    • Expand: Rich vs. Wealthy

    • Knowledge is Power: What is a millionaire?

    • Financially Empowered Action: Millionaire Facts

    • Knowledge is Power: Millionaire Takeaways

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    Financially Empowered: Let's Budget!

    • Knowledge is Power: Budgeting: All you need to know

    • Financially Empowered Action: Create Your Budget [Everyone]

    • Financially Empowered Action: Create a budget for next year [College Students]

    • Financially Empowered Action: Budget Post College or 5 yrs+ [All students]

    • Financially Empowered Action: Budget Starting Salary $50,000 [All students]

    • Knowledge is Power: Budgeting Pro Tips

    • Expand: My Budget & Me

    • Celebrate & Schedule Your Coaching Call!

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    Financially Empowered: Get Your Save On!

    • Knowledge is Power: Get Saving with a High Yield Savings Account

    • Knowledge is Power: Interest Rate Update

    • Expand: The Importance & American Struggle

    • Financially Empowered Action: Find Your HYSA

    • Expand: Save Like a Squirrel

    • Financially Empowered Action: Make Your Dreams a Reality - Plan & Allocate

    • Knowledge is Power: I Bonds for Long Term Savings

    • Celebrate & Book Your Coaching Call

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    Financially Empowered: Credit as an Asset

    • Knowledge is Power: Credit as an Asset

    • Financially Empowered Action: Credit Card Research

    • Knowledge is Power: FICO Score

    • Knowledge is Power: Buy Now, Pay Later

    • Expand: Credit Card Debt

    • Expand: Managing Debt - 2 Options

    • Expand: Caution - Understanding Your Student Loan Debt

    • Celebrate & Book Your Coaching Call!

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    Financially Empowered: Investing to Build Wealth

    • Knowledge is Power: Why Invest

    • Knowledge is Power: Open an Investment Account

    • Financially Empowered Action: Open Your Account!!!

    • Knowledge is Power: Stock Market Explained

    • Knowledge is Power: More on the Stock Market

    • Knowledge is Power: Get Invested!

    • Financially Empowered Action: Fund Your Account & Decide

    • Knowledge is Power: How to Make Your Investment

    • Financially Empowered Action: Make Your Investment!

    • Financially Empowered Action: What is my actual monthly investment #?

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    Celebrate & Repeat

    • Cue the Dance Party!!!

    • Repeat

    • Final Advice